Sunday, December 18, 2011
The Top 10 Award
And I got tagged again! :D Again by Nory from Fierce Make-Up & Nails. Thank you! Usually I'm late with these things, but now I'm doing this one right away! All you have to do is pick 10 beauty related products and pick a favorite from each category. So here we go!
1. Shampoo/conditioner/hair mask:
- Herbal Essences Beautiful Ends. They smell so good!
2. Nail care products:
- Trind's Perfect System.
3. Body wash:
- Therme Zen White Lotus
4. Body butter:
- Therme Zen White Lotus
5. Body Mist:
- Rituals Yin Organic White Lotus & Yi Yi Ren calming bed and body mist.
6. Mascara:
- Anything from Miss Sporty.
7. Eyeliner:
- Catrice Liquid Eyeliner: 010 Dating Joe Black
8. Foundation:
- Catrice Photo Finish: 020 Rosy Beige
9. Lip moisturizer:
- Everything works the same until I stop using it for 1 day. Then my lips start chapping. Labello or blistex, I don't mind.
10. Base coat:
- Trind Nail Repair.
I tag:
Everybody who wants to do this fun tag. Everybody always seems to be tagged already, so that's why I'm doing it like this. Let me know when you're doing this one as well, so I can check it out! :)
The Top 10 Award rules:
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link their blog.
2. Put the Top 10 Award logo on your blog.
3. List your top 10 cosmetics/beauty/health.
4. Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link their blogs and let them know.
xoxo Ingie
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Comments by IntenseDebate
ankit369 · 203 weeks ago
mortaleternity · 136 weeks ago