* * * Make sure to check out my giveaway! * * *
You may have seen this post yesterday, because I failed typing the right date :P
For this day I actually had quite a few polishes to choose from. I picked two, both from Color Club. I picked these, because of 2 reasons:
1. I wanted to have them so badly and when I had them I never even looked at it.
2. Looking at the bottle they look a lot like each other.
I can tell you that that last one is far from true when on the nails.
Here I have Nouveau Vintage for you. In the bottle this looks really green, but is completely different on the nails. It's a really sheer polish, so I'm wearing three coats. It has kind of a bronze base and has green, red, blue, yellow, green and orange micro shimmer in it. The green and red are most noticeable in real life.
See how green it looks in the bottle?
This is Snakeskin. It doesn't even come close to the color of Nouveau Vintage. In these pictures it looks kinda metallic silver, but in real life it looks like what you see in the bottle of Nouveau Vintage. This one has gold micro glitter in it which looks really pretty! In the pictures this one looks really streaky, but in real life it doesn't. I'm wearing two coats.
Just an unnecessary comparison :P
Which one do you like better? Do you have any of these polishes? Leave me a comment below :)
Thanks for reading!
xoxo Ingie
ankit369 · 203 weeks ago
mortaleternity · 136 weeks ago